Amid the ongoing row following the Justice Hema Committee report, actor Sanjjanaa Galrani met Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Thursday and also requested to form a women’s committee to ensure safety in the Kannada film industry. (Also Read: Karnataka film fraternity urges CM Siddaramaiah to form panel that addresses sexual harassment in KFI)
Sanjjanaa Galrani’s letter to Karnataka CM
Sanjjanaa handed over the letter to Karnataka CM. On Thursday, she shared the letter she penned to the Kannada Film Chamber of Commerce on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram, writing, “Following the #metoo movement , it’s time to look for solutions and not complain about the problems of the past . Here is my request letter describing how important it is to form a woman committee that never existed in our Kannada Film Industry.”
She added, “Requesting the formation of the body “SWAA” Sandalwood woman artist Association . – A initiative by #sanjjanaagalranifoundation. @sanjjanaafoundation to protect women from Exploitation!”
The Justice K Hema Committee report
Sexual assault allegations against prominent figures in the Malayalam film industry followed after the Justice Hema Committee report disclosing some shocking details of crimes against women in the industry was made public.
Filmmaker Ranjith, actor and CPI(M) MLA Mukesh, and actors Edavela Babu, Baburaj, Jayasurya, and Siddique have been charged with various sexual harassment complaints.
Last month, a redacted version of the Justice Hema Committee report on the harassment faced by women in the Malayalam cinema industry was made public. It contained shocking accounts of harassment, exploitation, and mistreatment of women professionals.
The 235-page report, published after redacting the names of witnesses and the accused, notes that the Malayalam film industry is controlled by about 10 to 15 male producers, directors, and actors who dominate and exert control over the industry.
The report of the three-member panel headed by a former judge of the Kerala High Court and set up by the state government in 2017, was submitted to the Pinarayi-led Kerala government in December 2019 and made public only this month.
The government has formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to investigate the hardships faced by women in the industry.